Our Fight Against Infertility

We have been married for 10 yrs. We have a beautiful 9yr old daughter, who is just amazing. We are ready for another addition to our family. We are ready to go, we just need a little help. With two failed IVF cycles and an IUI, we arent sure whats next!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas from Aunt Flow

Well, I knew I would get my period, but on Christmas really??? Give me a break! I was just starting to get my hopes up. I had tested BFN(big Fat Negative) on 17 dpo, so I figured that this month was a lost cause. But I think those of us struggling with infertility, always find some hope, whether it be real or not. So yes, I was hopeful. After all it is December, My birthday, my daughters birthday and Christmas. If I was going to get lucky, it would be now! My period was late, and it never is. I woke up Christmas day and still no AF. I was very excited. We had a wonderful Christmas. We had dinner at our house with family. After everyone had left I decided I would find a store open and go get a pregnancy test. I dont have 1 left in the house, I think I went through 40 in the last 3 weeks! I was getting ready to leave and BAM, here she was. My period! Needless to say, I was very upset. I was quickly brought back to reality. Bummer.

So here we go again. Another cycle of clomid. Another cycle of high hopes, and probably another let down. I dont know how many more times I can do this. It is a viscous cycle. I dont know when to throw in the towel. Not yet......but when? At some point I have say enough, and move on. I just cant imagine every being Ok with that. That is the hardest part, knowing that I might have to be.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas is coming!

I love Christmas, it is my favorite Holiday. The month of December is a very busy month and stressful, but always worth it. My daughters Birthday is this month, as well as mine, my father and brother in law. This year we are doing Christmas dinner at our home, and I cant wait! I love cooking, decorating and family. The picture is of our kids, K and Billy. K was in a Holiday parade with our GirlScout troop, so after the parade was a perfect opportunity for our Holiday picture. I hope you all enjoy.

As far as baby news, or no news I should say. Nothing new. We just tried naturally this month. By "naturally" I mean 100mg clomid. That is "natural" for us. I am not very hopeful, but Im holding out for my Christmas Miracle. Other then that, just alot of praying. Are you allowed to pray for a baby? Hee Hee. Well, "allowed " to or not, I am doing it.

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday, and you all get what you wished for!